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3.1. Society is a commercial organization, the main purpose of which is to make a profit from financial and economic activities.

3.2. To achieve its main goal, the society performs the following types of activities and services:

* Excavation of granite and limestone from the quarry by blasting and transfer to crushing plants;

* Grinding granite and limestone stones to different dimensions and loading them onto wagons and cars and selling them;

* Making contracts with various enterprises to organize trade of granite and limestone of different sizes;

* Purchase of raw materials, products and spare parts;

* Providing workers with milk and dairy products;

* Buying, selling and renting and leasing fixed assets;

* Drilling and blasting works;

* Wholesale trade;

* Production of lime, gypsum and local binding materials and products;

* Production of lime, gypsum, dry plaster material with gypsum, gypsum-concrete tusk panels and the like, lime-pozzolan, lime-gravel cements and local binding materials;

* Performer of construction and installation works in the economic method;

* Service and rental of vehicles;

* Implementation of construction and repair works;

* Opening catering facilities, kitchens, cafes, bars and restaurants;

* Production and sale of spinning industry and textile products;

* Construction and capital repair of railways;

* Construction and capital repair of roads;

* Production and sale of bricks;

* “Akfa” production and sale of door and window frames;

* Production of ganch, lime, plasterboards;

* Production of concrete and building materials;

* Production of asphalt-concrete products;

* Purchase of secondary raw materials, production and sale of rubber and plastic products;

* Production of polymer films, pipes and sheets;

* Production and sale of bread and bakery products;

* Engaging in construction activities and production of construction products;

* Production and sale of furniture;

* Production and sale of marble slabs;

* Repair and installation of electrical equipment;

* Service with cranes and mechanisms;

* Providing consulting services;

* Provision of technical services and repair of cars;

* Import and sale of auto spare parts for cars and related to them;

* Provision of transport services to the population;

* Organization and rental of transport services to the population;

* Production and sale of stationery and accounting forms;

* Implementation of commercial mediation and production activities, opening joint company networks, commercial centers, intermediary and retail stores, houses, wholesale fairs;

* Lease of buildings and facilities;

* Import and sale of gas and oil products, production of furniture, door and window frames (after obtaining a special permit);

3.3. The society may carry out other types of activities established by the legislation of the Republic of Uzbekistan.